Saturday, July 19, 2014

Free Places to Write

If you're like me, writing your novel on the media computer doesn't typically work all that well. Sure, you can disconnect the internet, but sometimes it's refreshing just to get out of your room and write in a new setting.

After poking around the suburban area in which I live, I've found a few places that don't require a purchase to sit in with a clean conscience. It's a great way to lower your Starbucks bill without sacrificing the ability to write away from home.

1. Outside

Put your tax dollars to work, folks. Urban and suburban areas have parks coming out of their ears. Grab a notebook and pen or a fully charged laptop and walk (or bike) to the nearest one. This one is a bit seasonal, but when one can take advantage of it, it's perhaps the most pleasant of all.

2. Library

Tax dollars at work again. I don't check out many book these days, as most of my research happens online or within the walls of the library itself. Chances are, however, there are plenty or tables or study rooms available at which to write.

Your library might even allow beverages with lids. Bring your own tea or coffee in a thermos: Build Your Own Coffee Shop.

3. Friend's house

Have any friends who don't mind hanging out with a silent writer? Invite yourself over, and get work done together. Then when you're done, you can goof off in your preferred style.

4. Break room

I heard a story of a man who wrote his book over six months or so during his lunch breaks. No cleansing trip to the southwest required, just dedication and a half-hour window in which to write each day.

5. Common areas at malls

This one varies greatly on the mall. I visit a nearby grocery store that has tables set up in both the store and the quiet hall connecting it to adjacent shops.

Busier malls may be more couch-oriented, but with a bit of observation, something is bound to come up.

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