Monday, November 12, 2012

The First Actual Plot Summary

This week of NaNoWriMo has brought something new into my life: a complete plot synopsis. On Saturday, rather than turn out a hundred timorous words, I pounded out an 855-word plot summary that runs from the first event in the novel to the end.

The real end.

How did this mysterious thing happen? One word: Shower. The moment of apotheosis became as clear as day in that brief span of time without distractions (or grime).

This deserves a new YouTube video in celebration. Just broke 19,000 words this morning; here's to 50,000:

Melanie: No Matter what price is paid,
What stars may fade
I'll follow my secret heart
Till I find love.

When my I love somebody, please?
Paul: Not until you are safely married, and then only with the greatest discretion.
M: I see
P: What's the matter?
M: It doesn't feel like my birthday any more.

A cloud has passed across the sun,
The morning seems to longer gay.
With so much business to be done,
Even the sea looks grey.
C'est vrai. C'est vrai.
It seems that all the joy has faded from the day
As though the foolish world no longer wants to play.

You ask me to have a discreet heart
Until marriage is out of the way,
But what if I meet with a sweetheart so sweet
That my wayward heart cannot obey
A single word that you may say?

P: Then we shall have to go away.
M: No.
For there is nowhere we could go
Where we could hide from what we know
Is true.

Don't be afraid I'll betray you
And destroy all the plans you have made,
But even your schemes
Must leave room for my dreams.
So when all I owe to you is paid
I'll still have something of my own,
A little prize that's mine alone.
I'll follow my secret heart
My whole life through.
I'll keep all my dreams apart
Till one comes true.
No matter what price is paid,
What stars may fade
I'll follow my secret heart
Till I find love.

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